Article 15. Responsibilities of authorized representatives of the owner/members/partners/shareholders that are organizations
1. Authorized representatives of the owner/members/partners/shareholders shall exercise and perform their rights and obligations in accordance with this Law. All limits imposed by the owner/members/partners/shareholders to the authorized representatives’ performance at the Board of Members/Partners or General Meeting of Shareholders shall not apply to any third party.
2. Authorized representatives have the responsibility to attend all meetings of the Board of Members/Partners or General Meeting of Shareholders; exercise and perform the authorized rights and obligations in an honest and prudent manner to protect lawful interest of the owner/members/partners/shareholders that designated them.
3. Authorized representatives shall be responsible to the owner, members/partners/shareholders for fulfillment of the responsibilities specified in this Article. The owner, members/partners/shareholders that designate these authorized representatives shall be responsible to third parties for performance of these authorized representative.

Article 16. Prohibited actions
1. Issuing or refusing to issue the Certificate of Enterprise registration against regulations of this Law; requesting the founder to submit additional documents against regulations of this Law; delaying, obstructing, harassing enterprise founders and business operation of enterprises.
2. Obstructing the enterprise’s owner, members/partners/shareholders from performing their rights and obligations prescribed in this Law and the enterprise’s charter.
3. Doing business as an enterprise without applying for enterprise registration; carrying on busines operation after the Certificate of Enterprise Registration has been revoked or while the enterprise is being suspended.
4. Providing dishonest or incorrect information in the enterprise registration application or application for changes to enterprise registration information.
5. Declaring false charter capital; failure to contribute adequate charter capital as registered; deliberate contribution of assets with false value.
6. Engaging in banned business lines or business lines from which foreign investors are banned; engaging in restricted business lines without fulfillment of conditions or failure to maintain fulfillment of conditions during operation in restricted business lines.
7. Frauds, money laundering, terrorism financing.