Article 41. Identical and confusingly similar names
1. Identical name means a Vietnamese name that is chosen by the applying enterprise and is identical to the Vietnamese name of a registered enterprise.
2. A name is considered identical to a registered enterprise’s name in the following cases:
a) The Vietnamese name of the applying enterprise is pronounced similarly to a registered enterprise’s name;
b) The abbreviated name of the applying enterprise is identical to the abbreviated name of a registered enterprise;
c) The foreign language name of the applying enterprise is identical to the foreign language name of a registered enterprise;
d) The proper name of the applying enterprise is only different from the proper name of a registered enterprise by a natural number or a letter in the Vietnamese alphabet or any of the letters F, J, Z, W that is written right after the proper name with or without a space;
dd) The proper name of the applying enterprise is only different from the proper name of an registered enterprise of the same type by the word “và” (“and”) or the symbol “&”, ”, “.”, “,”, “+”, “-”, “_”;
e) The proper name of the applying enterprise is only different from the proper name of an registered enterprise of the same type by the word “tân” or “mới” (“new”) that is written right before or after the proper name;
g) The proper name of the applying enterprise is only different from the proper name of an registered enterprise of one of the phrases “miền Bắc” (“north”), “miền Nam” (“south”), “miền Trung” (“central”), “miền Tây” (“west”), “miền Đông” (“east”);
h) The proper name of the applying enterprise is identical to that of a registered enterprise.
3. The cases specified in Points d, dd, e, g, h Clause 2 of this Article do not apply to subsidiary companies of the registered company.

Article 42. The enterprise’s headquarters
The enterprise’s headquarters shall be located within Vietnam’s territory, is the enterprise’s mailing address, has phone number, fax number and email address (if any).
Article 43. The enterprise’s seals
1. The enterprise’s seals can be physical or digital as prescribed by e-transaction laws.
2. The enterprise shall decide the type, quantity, design and content of its seal and the seals of its branches, representative offices and other units.
3. The management and storage of seals shall comply with the company’s charter or regulations of the enterprise, branch, representative office or unit that owns the seal. Seals shall be used by enterprises in transactions as prescribed by law.