Article 106. Working regulations of the Board of Controllers
1. The Chief Controller shall prepare monthly, quarterly and annual working plans of the Board of Controllers; assign specific tasks to each Controller.
2. Controllers shall perform their assign tasks independently; propose other tasks where necessary.
3. The Board of Controllers shall hold a meeting at least once a month to evaluate and approve the monthly operation reports before they are submitted to the state ownership representative body; discuss and approve operation plans of the next month.
4. A decision of the Board of Controllers will be ratified when it is voted for by the majority of the participating members. Dissenting opinions shall be fully and accurately recorded and reported to the state ownership representative body.

Article 107. Responsibilities of Controllers
1. Comply with regulations of law, the company’s charter, decisions of the state ownership representative body and the code of ethics in performance of their rights and obligations.
2. Exercise and perform their rights and obligations in an honest and prudent manner to protect the lawful interests of the State, the company the parties.
3. Be loyal to the interests of the company and the State; do not abuse their power and position or use the enterprise’s information, secrets, business opportunities and assets for personal gain or serve any other organization’s or individual’s interests;
4. The Controller that violates the regulations of this Article and causes damage to the company shall be personally or jointly pay compensation, be held liable to disciplinary actions, administrative penalties or criminal prosecution depending on the nature and severity of the violation and have to return the incomes and benefits earned from the violation.
5. Send a notification to the state ownership representative body of violations committed by another Controller and request the violator to stop the violation and implement remedial measures.
6. Request the violator to stop the violation and implement remedial measures, and notify to the state ownership representative body, other Controllers and relevant individuals in the following cases:
a) A member of the Board of Members, the company’s President, the Director/General Director or another executive violates or is going to violate regulations on their rights and obligations
b) Violations against the law, the company’s charter or the company’s rules and violations are discovered.
7. Other responsibilities prescribed by this Law and the company’s charter.