Article 11. Document retention

1. An enterprise, depending on its type of business, shall retain the following documents:

a) The charter, internal rules and regulations; the member/partner/shareholder register;

b) The certificate of Industrial property rights; the certificate of registration of product/service quality; other licenses and certificates;

c) Documents proving the enterprise’s ownership of its assets;

d) Votes, vote counting records, minutes of meetings of the Board of Members/Partners, General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors; the enterprise’s decisions;

dd) The prospectus for offering or listing securities;

e) Reports of the Board of Controllers, verdicts of inspecting authorities and audit organizations;

g) Accounting books, accounting records and annual financial statements.

2. The documents mentioned in Clause 1 of this Article shall be retained at the enterprise’s headquarters or another location specified in the enterprise’s charter for a period of time prescribed by law.