Dear Customer,

According to current regulations, on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, enterprises not only have to declare taxes and prepare financial statements but also have to carry out many procedures. And all of these procedures are not entirely the responsibility of the accounting department. Therefore, we have compiled the following procedures for two purposes: 1. To help customers understand and proactively comply to limit legal risks. 2. To define and limit the scope of our work. The scope and responsibility of accounting work are marked with items in section A below. Option B is only performed when requested by the customer and paid for separately for each service.

No. Procedure References Option 1 Option 2 Report/ job type Implementation deadline If not implemented, is there a penalty? See regulations
0. Internal documents
0 Internal documents to be prepared 0.01 B Company Charter At the time of establishment and at the time of adjustment and supplementation V Details
0.02 B Financial regulations At the time of new establishment as a basis for financial management V Details
0.03 B System of product production norms At the time the enterprise starts production to calculate product cost V Details
0.04 B Building salary scales and labor norms At the time the enterprise starts operating V Details
0.05 B Building a set of sample labor contracts At the time the enterprise starts operating V Details
0.06 B Developing and registering labor regulations At the time the enterprise starts operating V Details
0.07 B Declaring and reporting labor use At the time of starting operations and periodically during the year V Details
0.08 B Setting up labor management records At the time the enterprise starts operating V Details
I. Tax procedures
1 License tax 1.01 A Filing a license tax declaration when newly established No later than January 30 of the year after the year of establishment V Details
1.02 A Paying the license tax No later than January 30 every year V Details
1.03 A Submitting the license tax declaration when adjusting the increase/decrease of capital No later than January 30th of the year following the year of occurrence of the change of information V Details
1.04 A Paying the license tax after adjustment No later than January 30 every year V Details
2 Initial tax records 2.01 A Registering for declaration and payment of electronic tax Within 30 days and before the first tax declaration period V Details
2.02 A Registering electronic invoices Within 30 days and before the first tax declaration period V Details
2.03 A Registering accounting regime Within 30 days and before the first tax declaration period V Details
2:04 A Registering depreciation method of fixed assets Within 30 days and before the first tax declaration period V Details
3 VAT 3:01 A Monthly value-added tax (VAT) declaration No later than the 20th of the month following the month the tax liability arises V Details
3.02 A Quarterly value-added tax (VAT) declaration No later than the last day of the first month of the quarter following the quarter the tax liability arises V Details
3.03 B One-time VAT declaration (for real estate transfer, out-of-province construction) No later than the 10th day from the date the tax liability arises V Details
3.04 A VAT payment The last day of the deadline for submitting the declaration V Details
3.05 B VAT refund Depending on the customer's needs when the conditions for refund are met V Details
4 Personal Income Tax 4.01 A Monthly personal income tax (PIT) declaration No later than the 20th of the month following the month the tax liability arises V Details
4.02 A Quarterly PIT declaration No later than the last day of the first month of the following quarter V Details
4:03 B One-time PIT declaration (capital transfer, investment) No later than the 10th day from the date of occurrence of the tax liability V Details
4.04 A Opening PIT tax code No later than 10 working days from the date of receiving the information V Details
4.05 A Registering dependents No later than 10 working days from the date of receiving the information V Details
4.06 A PIT finalization No later than the last day of the 3rd month after the end of the calendar year V Details
4.07 A Authorization of PIT finalization The last day of the deadline for submitting the PIT finalization V Details
4.08 A PIT payment (monthly/quarterly/annual) The last day of the deadline for submitting the declaration V Details
5 Corporate Income Tax (CIT) 5.01 A Payment of provisional CIT on a quarterly basis Within 30 days after the quarter V Details
5.02 A Annual CIT finalization declaration No later than the last day of the 3rd month from the end of the calendar/fiscal year V Details
5.03 A CIT payment according to the finalization The last day of the deadline for submitting the CIT finalization V Details
5.04 B One-time CIT declaration: real estate transfer, capital transfer, capital transfer associated with real estate Within 10 days from the date of occurrence V Details
5.05 B CIT payment according to the one-time declaration Within 10 days from the date of occurrence V Details
5.06 B Related party transaction dossier Annually, coinciding with the CIT finalization procedure V Details
6 Special consumption tax 6.01 B Monthly special consumption tax declaration No later than the 20th of the following month after the tax liability arises V Details
6.02 B One-time special consumption tax declaration No later than the 10th day from the date of occurrence of the tax liability V Details
6.03 B Payment of special consumption tax The last day of the deadline for submitting the declaration V Details
6.04 B Refund of special consumption tax Depending on the customer's needs when the conditions for refund are met V Details
7 Personal Property Tax 7.01 B Registering for personal income tax code/ asking for tax code information from property owner Within 10 days from the date of occurrence V Details
7.02 B Paying the license fee No later than January 30th every year V Details
7.03 B Declaring each arising payment period No later than the 10th day from the date of tax liability arising V Details
7.04 B Declaring according to the calendar year No later than the last day of the first month of the following calendar year V Details
7.05 B Paying taxes The last day of the deadline for submitting the declaration V Details
8 Foreign Contractor Tax 8.01 B Registering for tax code for foreign contractor Within 10 working days from the date of signing the contract V Details
8.02 B Declaration for each arising payment period At the latest on the 10th day from the date of arising of the obligation V Details
8.03 B Monthly declaration At the latest on the 20th of the month following the month of arising of the obligation V Details
8.04 B Paying foreign contractor tax On the last day of the deadline for submitting the declaration V Details
8.05 B Finalization of the contract Within 45 days from the date of termination of the contract V Details
9 Non-agricultural Land Use Tax 9.01 B Initial declaration At the latest 30 days from the date of arising of the obligation V Details
9.02 B Declaration in case of changes At the latest 30 days from the date of arising of the changes V Details
9.03 B Paying tax On the last day of the deadline for submitting the declaration V Details
II. Preparing Accounting Books
10 Preparing accounting books 10.01 B Setting up accounting books, including accounting accounts and general journal monthly 10 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
10.02 B Monthly allocation table of fixed assets, tools, and prepaid expenses 10 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
10.03 B Monthly inventory import-export table 10 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
10.04 B Establishing production norms for monthly production enterprises 10 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
10.05 B Monthly product cost calculation table, construction cost 10 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
10.06 A Setting up accounting books, including accounting accounts and general journal quarterly 10 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
10.07 A Quarterly allocation table of fixed assets, tools, and prepaid expenses 10 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
10.08 A Quarterly inventory import-export table 10 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
10.09 A Establishing production norms for quarterly production enterprises 10 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
10.10 A Quarterly product cost calculation table, construction cost 10 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
10.11 A Setting up accounting books, including accounting accounts and general journal annually 20 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
10.12 A Annual allocation table of fixed assets, tools, and prepaid expenses 20 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
10.13 A Annual inventory import-export table 20 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
10.14 A Establishing production norms for annual production enterprises 20 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
10.15 A Annual product cost calculation table, construction cost 20 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
III. Financial Statements
11 Accounting Report 11.01 A Business result report_Profit and loss statement by month 10 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
11.02 A Business result report_Profit and loss statement by quarter 15 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
11.03 A Business result report_Profit and loss statement by year 15 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
11.04 B Monthly financial statements 30 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
11.05 B Quarterly financial statements 30 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
11.06 B Semi-annual financial statements 30 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
12 Báo cáo tài chính 12.01 A Annual financial statements 30 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
12.02 A Audited Financial Statements 40 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
IV. Labor
13 Vietnamese Labor Report 13.01 B Set up labor management records (paper or electronic) Within 30 days from the date of commencement of operation V Details
13.02 A Mid-year labor change report Before June 5th V Details
13.03 A Annual labor change report Before December 5th V Details
13.04 B Annual report on training and expertise for provincial-level labor authorities No submission deadline specified V Details
14 Report on the use of foreign workers 14.01 B Report explaining the need to use foreign workers At least 15 days before the expected date of using foreign workers V Details
14.02 B Report explaining the change in the need to use foreign workers At least 15 days before the expected date of using foreign workers V Details
14.03 A Report on the use of foreign workers in the first 6 months of the year Before July 5th V Details
14.04 A Report on the use of foreign workers annually Before January 5th of the following year V Details
14.05 B Work permit At least 15 days before the foreign worker is expected to start working in Vietnam; In case of renewal: At least 5 days but not more than 45 days before the work permit expires V Details
15 Occupational Health Report 15.01 B 6-month report Before July 5th V Details
15.02 B Annual report Before January 10th of the following year V Details
16 Occupational Safety and Hygiene Report 16.01 B Annual report Before January 10th of the following year V Details
17 Report on occupational accidents 17.01 B 6-month report Before July 5th V Details
17.02 B Annual report Before January 10th of the following year V Details
V. Insurance
18 Unemployment Insurance 18.01 B Initial notification to the job service center where the workplace is located about the number of employees working at the unit Within 30 days from the date of establishment V Details
18.02 B Monthly notification of changes in the number of employees working at the unit Before the 3rd of every month V Details
18.03 B Annual report on the participation in unemployment insurance of the previous year Before January 15th of the following year V Details
19 Social Insurance, Health Insurance 19.01 A Unit code issuance dossier Within 30 days from the date of signing the labor contract V Details
19.02 A Procedure for participating in social insurance: participating and issuing social insurance numbers, adjusting information on social insurance participation Within 30 days from the date of signing the labor contract V Details
19.03 A Compulsory social insurance with the following regimes: Sickness; Maternity; Occupational accidents and diseases: Retirement; Death 10 days from the date of receiving sufficient documents V Details
VI. Trade Union
20 Trade Union Fund 20.01 A Pay trade union fees Before the end of the month V Details
20.02 A Procedures for receiving trade union fees back At the same time as paying the fees V Details
21 Trade Union Dues 21.01 B Establish grassroots trade unions When there are 5 or more union members or 5 or more employees voluntarily joining the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor V Details
21.02 B Develop regulations on the use of trade union finance For internal use V Details
21.03 B Pay monthly union dues Before the end of the month V Details
21.04 B Procedures for receiving trade union dues back At the same time as paying the fees V Details
21.05 B Manage trade union budget For internal use V Details
21.06 B Annually submit the trade union financial estimate for the following year to the Labor Confederation Before November 15th - According to the instructions of the managing Labor Confederation V Details
21.07 B Prepare quarterly trade union fund settlement report Before January 5th of the following quarter- According to the instructions of the managing Labor Confederation V Details
21.08 B Report on the settlement of trade union financial revenue and expenditure According to the instructions of the managing Labor Confederation Details
21.09 B Publicize the collection and expenditure of the trade union fund to all union members Publicize at the annual meeting of officials and civil servants of the unit at least once every 6 months V Details
VII. Investment and Monitoring Report
22 Investment Activity Report 22.01 B Quarterly report   Before the 10th of the first month of the following quarter V Details
22.02 B Annual report March 31st of the following year V Details
23 Investment Monitoring and Evaluation Report 23.01 B Periodic monitoring and evaluation report during the investment implementation phase (6 months) Before June 10th of the reporting year V Details
23.02 B Periodic monitoring and evaluation report during the investment implementation phase (full year) February 10th of the following year V Details
23.03 B Periodic monitoring and evaluation report during the operation and exploitation phase (6 months) Before July 10th of the reporting year V Details
23.04 B Periodic monitoring and evaluation report during the operation and exploitation phase (full year) February 10th of the following year V Details
23.05 B Monitoring and evaluation report before adjusting the investment project Before adjusting the project V Details
23.06 B Investment Project Completion Evaluation Report (if any) Submit with the project termination dossier V Details
VIII. Statistics
24 Basic statistical report 24.01 Monthly statistical report 12th of the month after the reporting month V Details
24.02 Quarterly statistical report 12th of the last month of the quarter after the reporting quarter V Details
24.03 Annual statistical report 31/3 of the year after the reporting year V Details
24.04 B Special statistical report for specific business fields Same deadline with the general report V Details
IX. State bank report
25 Foreign loans 25.01 B Registration of foreign loans with the State bank Within 30 working days from the date of signing the medium and long-term foreign loan agreement V Details
25.02 B Registration of changes to foreign loans Within 30 working days from the date of signing the agreement with the changed content V Details
25.03 B Report on foreign loans No later than the 5th of the following month V Details
X. Specialized report (apply to conditional business lines)
26 Conditional business lines 26.01 B Report to the specialized management agency V Details
26.02 B Documents publicizing sufficient conditions for business V Details
XI. Fire prevention and fighting
27 Fire prevention and fighting 27.01 B Certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting No deadline for submission found V Details
27.02 B ire prevention and fighting management and monitoring records For internal use V Details
27.03 B Fire safety inspection report No deadline for submission found V Details
27.04 B Report on the management, maintenance and maintenance of fire fighting equipment Fixed at the end of November every year V Details
XII. Environment
28 Environment 28.01 B Environmental impact assessment report Submit before the investment decision of the project V Details
28.02 B Environmental protection activities report Before January 15th of the following year or before January 20th of the following year (for revised reports) V Details
28.03 B Workplace environmental monitoring report Before December 31st of the year V Details
XIII. Customs