1. Trade in goods and services on the list of goods and services under state monopoly.
2. Press activities and collection of news in any shape or form.
3. Catching or harvesting marine life.
4. Investigation and security services.
5. Administrative and judicial services, including judicial assessment services, bailiff services, property auction services, notary services, official receiver’s services.
6. Guest worker services.
7. Investment in construction of cemeteries for transfer of land use right and infrastructure thereon.
8. Direct collection of garbage from households.
9. Public survey services.
10. Blasting services.
11. Manufacture, sale of weapons, explosive materials and combat gears.
12. Import, dismantlement of used seagoing ships.
13. Public postal services.
14. Merchanting trade of goods.
15. Temporary import for re-export of goods.
16. Exercise of rights to export, import distribute goods on the list of goods to which foreign investors and foreign-invested business organizations do not have the right to export, import or distribute.
17. Collection, purchase, handling of public property at armed force units.
18. Manufacture of military equipment or materials; trade in military equipment, military weapons, specialized equipment and vehicles exclusively for used by the military and the police, specialized equipment and parts thereof, manufacture technology thereof;
19. Industrial property representative services and intellectual property assessment services.
20. Services that involve establishment, operation, sustainment and maintenance of maritime signals, water zones, water areas, public navigable channels and maritime routes; survey of water zones, water areas, public navigable channels and maritime routes serving the maritime announcements; survey, development and publishing nautical charts for water bodies, seaports, navigable channels and maritime routes; development and publishing of marine safety publications.
21. Maritime safety services in water zones, water areas and public navigable channels; electronic maritime information services.
22. Services that involve inspection (inspection and testing) and issuance of certificates to vehicles (including systems, assembled parts, devices and parts of vehicles); inspection and issuance of certificates of technical safety and environmental safety to vehicles, specialized equipment, containers, equipment for packaging dangerous goods used in transport; inspection and issuance of certificates of technical safety and environmental safety to vehicles and equipment used for exploration, extraction and transport of petroleum at sea; occupational safety inspection of equipment subject to strict occupational safety requirements on vehicles and equipment used for exploration, extraction and transport of petroleum at sea; fishing vessel inspection and registration services.
23. Services that involve survey, assessment and harvest of natural forests (including logging, hunting, trapping wild and rare animals, management of gene pools of plants, domestic animals and microorganisms used in agriculture.
24. Research or use of genetic resources of new domestic animals before evaluation by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
25. Travel services, except international travel services for inbound tourists.