Article 69. Conditions for profit distribution
A company’s profit may only be distributed to its members after its tax liabilities and other financial obligations have been fulfilled as prescribed by law and it is able to fully pay its due debts and other liabilities after profit is distributed.

Article 70. Recovery of returned capital or distributed profit
In case part of contributed capital is returned against the regulations of Clause 3 Article 68 of this Law or profit is distributed to members against regulations of Article 69 of this Law, the members shall return the money or assets they received from the company and are jointly responsible for the company’s debts and liabilities in proportion to the amount or assets that have not been returned until they are fully returned.
Article 71. Responsibilities of the President of the Board of Members, the Director/General Director, other executives, legal representatives and Controllers
1. The President of the Board of Members, the Director/General Director, other executives, legal representatives and Controllers have the following responsibilities:
a) Exercise and perform their rights and obligations in an honest and prudent manner to protect the enterprise’s lawful interests;
b) Be loyal to the enterprise’s interests; do not abuse their power and position or use the enterprise’s information, secrets, business opportunities and assets for personal gain or serve any other organization’s or individual’s interests;
c) Promptly and fully notify the company of the enterprises that they own or have shares/stakes or that their related persons own, jointly own or have separate controlling shares/stakes.
d) Other responsibilities prescribed by law.
2. The Director/General Director shall not have a pay rise or bonus when the company is not able to pay its due debts.
3. The notification mentioned in Point c Clause 1 of this Article shall be made in writing and contain the following information:
a) Names, EID numbers, headquarters addresses of the enterprises they own or have shares/stakes in; the holdings and time of owning or holding the shares/stakes;
b) Names, EID numbers, headquarters addresses of the enterprises their related persons own, jointly own or have separate controlling shares/stakes.
4. The notification mentioned in Clause 3 of this Article shall be sent within 05 working days from the day on which the event or change occurs. The company shall compile a list of the entities mentioned in Clause 3 of this Article, their contracts and transactions with the company. This list shall be kept at the company’s headquarters. Members, executives, Controllers and their authorized representatives are entitled to see, copy part or all of the information specified in Clause 3 of this Article during office hours following the procedures specified in the company’s charter.