Article 5. Protection of enterprises and their owners by the State
1. The State recognizes the long-term existence and development of the types of enterprises prescribed in this Law; ensures equality of enterprises before the law regardless of their types of business and economic sector; recognizes lawful profitability of business operation.
2. The State recognizes and protects the rights to ownership of assets, capital, income, other lawful rights and interests of enterprises and their owners.
3. Lawful assets and capital of enterprises and their owners shall not be nationalized or administratively confiscated. Unless strictly necessary, the State may purchase or requisition assets of enterprises, in which case these enterprises shall be paid or reimbursed for in accordance with regulations of law on purchase and requisitioning of assets and in a manner that ensures the enterprises’ interests and non-discrimination among the types of business.

Article 6. Internal political organizations, socio-political organizations and employee representative organizations of enterprises
1. The internal political organization, socio-political organization and employee representative organization of an enterprise shall operate in accordance with the Constitution, the law and the enterprise’s charter.
2. Enterprises shall respect and not obstruct the establishment of internal political organizations, socio-political organizations and employee representative organizations; must not obstruct participation of their employees in such organizations.