Article 61. Procedures for ratification of resolutions and decisions of the Board of Members by questionnaire survey
Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter, a questionnaire survey on ratification of resolutions or decisions of the Board of Members shall be carried out as follows:
1. The President of the Board of Members shall decide to carry out a questionnaire survey on ratification of resolutions and decisions within its jurisdiction;
2. The President of the Board of Members organize the drafting and sending of reports on the issues, the resolution or decision and questionnaires to members of the Board of Members;
3. A questionnaire shall contain:
a) The company’s name, EID number, headquarter address;
b) Full name, signature, mailing address, nationality and legal document numbers of individuals; the members’ holdings;
c) The issue that needs voting, options including affirmative, negative and abstentions;
d) The deadline for submission of the answered questionnaire;
dd) Full name and signature of the President of the Board of Members;

4. An answered questionnaire that contains adequate information, bears the member’s signature and sent to the company by the deadline is considered valid. The President of the Board of Members organize the vote counting, preparation of a report and notification of the vote counting result to the members within 07 working days from the deadline for submission of answered questionnaires. The report on vote counting result has the same value as the minutes the meeting of the Board of Members and shall contain the following information:
a) The survey issue and purposes;
b) Full names, holdings, numbers and dates of issue of capital contribution certificates of members that submitted their answered questionnaires; and their authorized representatives; Full names, holdings, numbers and dates of issue of capital contribution certificates of members whose questionnaires are not submitted or invalid;
c) The issues that are voted on; summaries of the members’ comments on each issue (if any);
d) The numbers of valid, invalid, unsubmitted questionnaires; numbers of valid questionnaires that contain affirmative votes negative votes and abstentions on each issue;
dd) The ratified resolutions and/or decisions and corresponding ratio of affirmative votes;
e) Full names and signatures of the vote counters and the President of the Board of Members, who are jointly responsible for the legitimacy, accuracy and truthfulness of the vote counting report.